Registration Fee: $15/family

Full Season Tuition: divided into 8 monthly payments, due first of each month September - April.

See Season Classes for specific tuition rates.

See Withdrawal Policy for tuition due if not completing a full season.


Deposit at Registration: $20/dancer (non-refundable)

Balance Due: first day of camp

Tuition amount is determined by level and length of camp/workshop.

See Summer at Doxa for specific rates.



Doxa does not charge late fees. We are committed to keeping our program affordable for families. As a result, adherence to these guidelines is crucial to maintain our flexibility with deadlines:

  1.  Monthly payments are due on the first of each month. They can always be paid in advance.
  2. Communicate via email any payments that will not meet the due date - we are happy to accommodate, but just need to know.
  3. Adhere to withdrawal deadlines and prompt notification (see Withdrawals).
  4. Complete the recital commitment form promptly (deadline in mid-January) and uphold stated commitment.

Auto-Pay is the ability to set tuition to be paid automatically each month.

1. Sign up for Auto-Pay in your Parent Portal account, saving a debit card, credit card, or ACH method.

2. Auto-Pay will be run on the 1st of each tuition month, September through April.

3. If your card or bank account info changes or expires, remember to update it in your portal.

Auto-Pay will not run if you do not have a dancer enrolled in an active class. At the end of the season, there is no reason to "stop" or remove your card information. However, you may remove or change the saved payment information at any time. We do not run Auto-Pay during the summer months, so camps, open classes, etc. need to be made by manual online payments, cash, or check.

Payments can be paid using:

  • the Parent Portal system online (manually or auto-pay)
  • by cash in an envelope labeled with the dancer's first and last name
  • by check made out to Doxa Dance Ministry with the dancer's name on the memo line

Cards are not accepted in person - only online.

Please notify us promptly if your plans to participate change after registration. We often operate with waiting lists, and we want every interested dancer to be able to participate! All requests for dropped classes or cancelled registrations must be received by email to

If the Registration Fee has not been paid within two weeks of enrolling in a class, the spot may be forfeited to a dancer on the waiting list.

For season classes and summer camps:

  • Cancellation requests received at least 2 weeks prior to the first class of the season will be fully refunded.
  • Within the 2-week margin, but still prior to the first class, cancellations will be refunded minus the $15 registration fee.

Once classes have begun, even if a dancer's registered class has not yet met, all drops are considered Withdrawals.

Please promptly notify us if your dancer can no longer attend their enrolled class(es). Withdrawal requests must be received by email to

  • CLASS WITHDRAWAL: Students can withdraw anytime in the Fall semester and in the Spring semester through January 30th. Tuition owed is through the month of the date on which the withdrawal request was received by email.
    • If a student stops attending without a written request to withdraw from a class, the student still owes tuition through the date that contact is successfully made and the intent to drop is confirmed, even if this date is several weeks after the last attended class. Please communicate promptly when plans change and affect enrollment.
  • RECITAL WITHDRAWAL: If a student commits to the recital in January, but later must withdraw their participation (after February 15th), they will be charged a Performance-Drop Fee of $40. This fee will only be waived in cases of critical emergency or last-minute illness. Please take this commitment seriously when making it - withdrawals late in the season negatively affect performance preparations, classmates, and class dynamics.

We often operate with waiting lists prior to the start of classes, but once families' schedules are set and the year is in progress, it's much harder to add students into vacated spots. Please let us know as soon as possible if your dancer will not use their reserved spot.

We strongly believe children and teens benefit greatly from completing whatever task or activity they begin, and ask that parents encourage their dancers to push through challenges and ask for help when needed, rather than giving up. Please never hesitate to inform your dancer's teacher or one of the Artistic Directors (Brittanie or Laci) if you have concerns about your child's engagement level. We want to partner with you and ensure every dancer not only reaches their potential, but enjoys the process!

Families with three or more dancers receive a tuition discount for regular season classes.

  • Oldest student = 100% tuition
  • 2nd student = 100% tuition
  • 3rd student = 75% tuition (25% discount)
  • 4th student = 50% tuition (50% discount)
  • 5th student = 25% tuition (75% discount)

Doxa charges one $15 registration fee per family for season classes.

Doxa is able to provide partial tuition scholarships based on need, and small merit-based scholarships for older dancers to pursue summer training and mission opportunities. While we strive to keep tuition very reasonably priced, we know every family's situation is different and we never want tuition to be cost-prohibitive.

If your family experiences a financial crisis while your dancer is enrolled in Doxa, please first talk with us prior to making any decision to withdraw (even with the intention to re-enroll the following season). We would much rather offer assistance and keep a dancer's training consistent and continuous if at all possible.

To Be Approved for a Tuition Scholarship:

  • Complete this form online
  • Receive confirmation by email of scholarship award and specified scholarship period
  • Maintain 75% attendance throughout scholarship period
  • Participate in the end-of-season dress rehearsal(s) and performance(s) - applicable to season tuition scholarships received for performing level classes

The process can be repeated as necessary, as long as the student meets the attendance requirement and completes each season/camp/session for which they receive a scholarship.

Costume Costs or Performance Participation Fees are generally not covered by scholarship.

To Provide a Scholarship for a Dancer:

  • Write a check payable to Paramount Baptist Church and designate it "Doxa - Scholarship". Thank you in advance for helping make another dancer's training possible!
  • Give online at and choose Doxa in the drop-down menu. Specify Scholarship in the memo box.



Doxa Studios are located upstairs in building B at Paramount Baptist Church. Please park in the Purple or Blue Parking Lots and use entrances B2, B4, or B5 (B5 has a ramp). There are multiple entrances to the Doxa area upstairs, including an elevator option if needed.

  • Arrive a few minutes early to help your dancer put their ballet shoes on and be ready for class on time
  • Communicate any need for your child to be late or leave early via email ahead of time. Please do not make a habit of either as your dancer will miss valuable instruction and be at increased risk for muscle fatigue or injury.
  • Be ready to pick up your child promptly at the end of their class time, which is five minutes prior to the next class’ start time. This helps the teacher stay on schedule for the next class. 


Please note the NEW policy for dancer pick-up according to age/level:

  • For Rosebuds, Sweet Peas, Buttercups, Daisies, Saplings -- Parents need to meet their dancer at the door of the studio when their class concludes. Dancers will be kept by the teacher in the studio until you pick them up. This is not only important from a security standpoint, but it also allows teachers to convey any important information directly to parents (which is especially helpful in recital season).
  • For Bluebonnets & Lilies -- Parents are expected to meet the dancer at their studio. However, parents are allowed to arrange with their dancer an alternative place to meet after class, if desired, WITH NOTICE GIVENIf you plan to meet your dancer anywhere other than in the hallway right by their studio door, please communicate this to us ahead of time, via email. Ideally, this would be a standing arrangement, not changing week to week. If there is a week where you need a change, email the new/changed information. We will make a small note on the teacher's roster so that they will know that an arrangement has been made between you and your dancer, and they can release them safely. This policy will allow us to offer some freedom in these intermediate/preteen levels but also have reasonable expectation that the dancer is not wandering off without a planned meeting place.
  • For Lilacs, Irises, Poppies, & up -- Dancers will be released by the teacher following class. It is assumed they know where to meet their ride or that they drive themselves. If you have any concern about this level of independence for your dancer specifically, please communicate with us by email and we will treat it like the middle group above.

Dancers should not wait outside the building for a ride. They can view the curb where parents can pull up from INSIDE the building at entrance B2 or B4.

We welcome you to watch from any of the observation windows looking into the studios -- we want you to know what's happening in class and how your child is doing! We do have a few related requests though--

    • Your child CAN see you. Even on the windows that have tinting, dancers are great at recognizing their own caregivers in the window! Please be mindful that they might be distracted by you - it can help to stand back from the window a little bit, or only peek in occasionally.
    • Your dancer can HEAR you. If you are having a normal volume conversation right outside one of the studio doors, most of it travels right inside! Please either whisper, or if you'd like to have a full conversation with a friend, just walk a little distance away from the studios themselves.
    • Be sure to have your little dancer use the restroom right before class. This one habit can cut down on a lot of distraction and ensures all of class time is dancing and learning time!
    • And finally, in the case that you observe your child misbehaving, please DO NOT open the door to scold your child. We know that a parent is only trying to help by doing this, but it generally leads to greater distraction for the class as a whole. Let the teacher handle it, and if they need you, they will come out to you or discuss it with you after the class. However, after class, your child's teacher would be happy to hear from you if you have any particular strategies that help your child do their best, or for you to reinforce the need to listen and obey in the classroom. 

Our goal is to help every child succeed with a patient, grace-filled approach that supports an environment in which everyone can learn. We want to partner with you to make that happen!



Doxa season classes typically begin the Tuesday after Labor Day and end in early to mid-April.


Parents can view specific class dates in their parent portal under Class Calendar. All meeting days of enrolled classes will appear there.


Typically, Season Classes follow this general schedule:

  • First Day of Classes: Tuesday after Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Break: No classes Tuesday through Saturday of Thanksgiving Week
  • Christmas Break: Last classes for 1st Semester are the Saturday a full week prior to Christmas; First classes for 2nd Semester are Friday of the first week of January
  • Spring Break: No Classes Monday through Saturday of AISD Spring Break
  • Easter Weekend: No Classes will be held on Easter Weekend (Friday - Sunday)
  • Last Day of Classes: The last day of classes is typically the last Friday a week before performance weekend. IF the performances are a combined story ballet/recital (all students in one production), then classes will end the week prior to allow for evening Dress Rehearsals. If the last Friday for scheduled classes is Good Friday, then the season will end with Thursday classes the day before.

We do have classes on Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, and other school days-off like Staff In-Service Days or unused Snow Days. We use the above schedule so that all classes meet the same number of times regardless of their day, excluding closings out of our control such as for inclement weather.

We defer to Amarillo Independent School District regarding school closings due to weather - if there is no school that day due to snow, we will not have Doxa classes. Sometimes, such as for Wednesday evenings, we will defer to the church leadership for facility closures.

Be sure to check your email and like our Facebook page as we will utilize these three communication methods to notify about closures.

Since we are unable to control weather closings, classes canceled for this reason are not rescheduled and do not affect tuition due.

We make every effort to offer all scheduled classes in a season. However, some closures or cancellations are out of our control.

From time to time teachers will substitute teach for one another when necessary. If a teacher is unable to teach and we do not have an available substitute, we may cancel the class. In such an instance, prorated tuition amount for the cancelled class would be posted to students' accounts as a credit, which can be applied to the next tuition payment, current balance, or upcoming season.

Because of capacity constraints, recital preparations, and other considerations, we do not offer arrangements for students to make up classes they miss. Absences do not affect tuition due. Upper School students can use Open Tech classes as make-up for their regular technique classes for occasional absences. Please be mindful of the attendance policy for performing students (under Performances below).



Ballet is both an art and a discipline. For students to be successful in their training, they must know and adhere to the basic etiquette of ballet. Teachers will discuss and periodically review the items listed in their classes, but we want to provide this information here as well so that parents are also aware of the high expectations we hold for our students.

  • Students must maintain at least a 50% attendance rate throughout the season in order to participate in the end-of-season performances.
  • This is a minimum - they will not be well prepared if they only attend 50%. However, they will not be allowed to perform if they attend fewer than 50% of classes. (Applies to Sweet Peas and above).
  • If your child will be absent, please communicate this by reporting the absence in your Parent Portal. Please do not bring your child if they have had a fever within 24 hours.
  • Because of capacity constraints, recital preparations, and other considerations, we do not offer arrangements for students to make up classes that they miss. Absences do not affect tuition due.

Doxa levels have a specific color-based dress code. Visit the Dress Code policy page.

  • ROSEBUDS - White
  • SWEET PEAS - Light Pink
  • BUTTERCUPS - Yellow
  • DAISIES - Green
  • LILIES - Dark Pink
  • POPPIES - Red
  • BLUEBONNETS - Light Blue
  • LILACS - Light Purple
  • IRISES - Dark Purple
  • TULIPS - Burgundy/Maroon
  • VIOLETS - Royal Blue
  • ORCHIDS - Navy
  • SPROUTS, SAPLINGS, OAKS, PINES, CEDARS - White or Black fitted t-shirt or tank
  • CO-ED CLASSES - White or Black or Level Color fitted t-shirt or tank


 View the rest of the Dress Code policy.

  • Please follow Doxa's dress code, including hair completely secured. Every class is an opportunity to practice your ballet bun for recital!
  • Stay with your child until their class time. Dancers should form a line along the wall outside the studio door, staying clear of the swing of the door. Teachers will open the studio door when they are ready to receive dancers into their class.
  • Parents of Rosebuds - it is highly encouraged that you stay during your child’s 30-minute class. The waiting room is there for your convenience. Bathroom accidents or other needs arise more frequently at this age, so it is extremely helpful to the teacher if you are nearby.
  • Please hold onto your child’s water bottle - it will be great for them to have after class, but they should not bring it into the studio with them (in Lower School, it serves more as a distraction than necessary tool). If your child has a medical situation for which they need access to water or a snack, please communicate this with the teacher and put it in the medical details for your dancer in the Parent Portal.
  • You can help us maintain a focused environment by keeping the hallway quiet while classes are in progress. Noise travels into the studio even with the doors closed.
  • Please do not open the door during class unless there is an emergency. If a teacher needs your help keeping your child engaged or correcting behavior, he or she will bring the child out to you. Otherwise, please do not intervene even for the purpose of disciplining as you distract the entire class and undermine the teacher’s authority in the room. If you observed a child not participating or listening well, we encourage you to talk about it with your child after class.
  • Please observe and respect Paramount Activity Center hours which differ from Doxa’s class schedule. The Children’s Playzone, Gym, and Preschool Play area all are maintained and overseen by the Recreation Ministry and staffed accordingly. Families with siblings in Friday or Saturday classes will most likely not have access to these areas during their class time. Weather permitting, there are outside playgrounds you can access.
  • Adhere to stated dress code including hair up (in a bun) and out of the face
  • Do not touch the ballet barres unless the teacher tells you to do so. Never hang, climb, or pull on them whether they are wall-mounted or free-standing. They are not constructed like gymnastics bars and treating them this way can cause damage to the wall or injury to yourself.
  • No talking while the teacher is talking or other students are dancing. Students should be watching and listening closely.
  • Dancers should not sit down during class unless watching due to injury or if told to sit by the instructor.
  • Respect the teacher and respond to instruction the first time.
  • No gum or food of any kind in the studios.
  • Students should make every effort to stay in class until it has finished. Wait until you have been dismissed by the teacher and remember, use the bathroom before class begins!

If there is a problem, we will employ the following discipline strategies:

  • have a child sit by the teacher while the rest of the class enjoys “free dance” at the end
  • have the child sit by the mirror for the remainder of class
  • discuss the behavior problem with the parent after class or by email, and may ask the parent to stay and observe the next week

Thank you for partnering with us to reinforce these expectations with your child. You will help them have a successful year by doing so!

  • Show respect to instructors:
    • make eye contact with the teacher when speaking or being spoken to
    • use the restroom prior to class
    • do not leave the class once it has begun until you are dismissed
    • students are allowed to bring a water bottle into class (no open cups or other drinks) - take drinks at appropriate times, not when you are expected to be ready to dance or when the teacher is demonstrating the exercise
    • respectfully respond when given corrections - “thank you”
    • be mindful of body language that communicates disinterest or disrespect: crossed arms, slouched stance, looking elsewhere, yawning, frowning, sitting down
    • adhere to stated dress code including hair in a bun or french twist and out of face
    • not talking in class; being mindful of necessary quiet moments while teacher is thinking or preparing next exercise
    • no gum or food in the studio; water only in a bottle with a spill-proof lid
    • thank the teacher at the end of class
  • Show respect and kindness to peers:
    • watch other groups when it is their turn, keep your own body out of the dancing space if it is not your turn
    • encourage and applaud one another
    • never gossip about other dancers - inside or outside the studio
    • a spot at the barre is only “your spot” if it has been assigned to you by your teacher; be flexible and be gracious to one another
  • In general:
    • never hang or lean on the barre
    • touch the barre only when executing a combination
    • elbows are relaxed and shoulders pressed down with wide chest
    • tall correct posture without swaying the back (engaged abdominal muscles and neutral pelvis)
    • use a light touch and do not grip the barre
    • all barre preparation begins with both hands off the barre (en bas)
    • be ready prior to the start of the music
  • For exercises facing the barre:
    • look at the wall and not down at your feet (maintains posture)
    • hands should be placed shoulder width apart
    • stay square, hips parallel to the barre
  • For exercises facing one side:
    • the hand on the barre should always be in front of the body (as if walking gracefully down a grand staircase) so that the inside shoulder stays relaxed and level with the other shoulder
    • stay square, hips perpendicular to the barre
    • turn toward the barre to change sides
  • End every exercise by holding the given finish position
  • Practicing these strategies every class will help you improve:
    • copy the movements as the teacher demonstrates or verbally gives the exercise - with feet, with hands, with head movements
    • seek to memorize the combination during demonstration/explanation; treat each exercise as if you might be asked to demonstrate it for the class
    • in “marking,” fully perform upper body movements, especially arms
    • be attentive and review the combination as another group is going
    • work on reversing combinations to the other side without waiting to be shown
  • Prepare for performance situations in every class:
    • when dancing an exercise, never stop to fix a shoe, hair, or other issue; participate in and finish each exercise completely
    • practice pleasant facial expressions (smile!)
    • finish every combination well even if it was difficult or went poorly
    • be ready for each turn without the teacher having to stop/restart the music
  • Handling corrections:
    • recognize that corrections are a good thing; everyone has things to work on; knowing what those things are and focusing on them is key!
    • work to apply corrections immediately, even those given to another dancer or the class as a whole
    • create a habit of writing down corrections received or new terminology learned after class in a notebook for review
    • retain corrections from one class to the next and keep practicing them
  • Ask appropriate questions at appropriate times:
    • be attentive so as to avoid asking questions previously answered
    • do not ask questions like “when will class end?” or “when will we move on to a different part of class?” or “when do we get to do this step?” -- trust the teacher to manage the time appropriately
    • quickly accept changes given; if needed, respectfully ask for clarification if a change seems unintentional or is unclear
    • ask a teacher at the end of class to clarify further if a correction they gave was unclear to you
  • maintain consistent class & rehearsal attendance
  • practice punctuality
  • arrive 15-20 minutes early to stretch and prepare for class; stay quiet to avoid disturbing classes in session
  • if late, enter the classroom quietly without disturbing the instruction in progress; communicate the reason for tardiness at the end of class; do not make a habit of arriving late as not warming up properly puts you at increased risk for muscle fatigue and injury
  • communicate absences in advance whenever possible (absences should be reported in the parent portal under Attendance)
  • communicate any need to leave class early via email ahead of time; do not make a habit of this as you miss valuable instruction and often, choreography
  • make an effort to learn missed instruction or choreography from peers prior to the next class or rehearsal
  • report injury or illness ahead of time whenever possible, or inform the teacher before class if an injury or illness is present
  • if observing class, bring a notebook and take notes



Doxa has two training pathways. This section describes the difference and what to expect over the course of your dancer's training at Doxa.

Students who are new to Doxa enroll in the Nurture Pathway their first season.

This pathway is determined by age at the start of the season in September. For example, the Daisies level would include students who are ages 7, 8, or 9 on September 1st.

Students can stay on the Nurture Pathway their entire time at Doxa, progressing to a new level when they age out of the prior one. The Nurture Pathway affords dancers the opportunity to dance for exercise and recreation, with a minimum time commitment of only one class per week.

Students in Daisies and up receive an evaluation from their instructor at the end of the season. Allow 4-6 weeks after the last spring performances for evaluations to be posted on the Parent Portal (Shared Files).

The evaluation provides individual feedback regarding a dancer's strengths and areas they can focus most on for additional improvement. It includes a personal note from their teacher.

Simultaneously, the teacher completes a more detailed analysis that scores three areas - Approach/Mindset, Attendance, and Technical Details - so that students can be accurately compared across all classes and teachers. They provide additional commentary as needed to support their scoring. The Executive Artistic Director and Associate Artistic Director consider these comments and quantitative results to determine level placements and invitations to the Cultivate Pathway.

Cultivate Pathway levels require recommendation by a Doxa Instructor and approval by the Executive Artistic Director. Work ethic, classroom etiquette including respect shown to teachers and others, the ability to pick up and retain choreography, technical execution, and mental fortitude are all elements that are considered when placing students.

Cultivate Pathway spots are limited based on the number of classes offered for each particular level. Higher levels have fewer spots available. Cultivate Pathway levels have specific requirements related to classes taken (number of hours weekly) -- read about each level here.

Level Placements will be posted in the Parent Portal (Shared Files) following each season, by June 15th. This is generally when the next season's schedule is made available, so that families can review their dancer's level placement and class options at the same time. This occurs roughly one month before registration opens for current families (mid-July).

Upon learning your dancer's level placement, families who are invited to or continuing in the Cultivate Pathway are asked to complete a brief Intent to Enroll form. This form does not enroll their dancer, but helps us know if a family is choosing to accept their Cultivate Pathway placement or selecting the Nurture Pathway instead.

Level Placements are something teachers agonize over, trying to make the absolute best decision for each dancer individually, while considering the make-up of each level as a whole and practicalities like overall capacity in the schedule. Regrettably, this process zeros in on one part of each dancer and "grades" that part of them in a way, but we firmly believe that who they are as a person is so much richer and fuller and more beautiful than just that one piece! We do consider their attitude and mindset and not just their dancing achievements, but they have so many gifts unrelated to dance, not to mention precious hearts and minds. We know that leveling surprises or disappointments can be interpreted in identity shaping ways, as being "not good enough," or convey a sense of lack as a person. We greatly rely on parents to help shape that internalization and encourage your dancers to press through disappointment, look for opportunities to grow, trust their teachers to have their best interest at heart, and be encouraging to their friends regardless of each others' placement.
If you have any questions about your dancer's placement, please let us know. We want to reiterate that level placements at Doxa have value insofar as they help us group dancers by similar skills and needs, so that teachers are able to best focus their efforts in the classroom and help dancers grow in their dance technique. We are excited to work with your dancer in their level and help them learn as much as possible.
We do not want to over-emphasize or over-prioritize the worth of level placements. A dancer in any level at any age can use their God-given gifts and learned skills to worship Him and share the truth of the gospel, and THAT is the most important part.



Doxa end-of-season performances are unique worship opportunities for dancers and their families and friends.

Dancers in all performing levels must maintain a minimum of 50% attendance at any given time during the current season to be eligible for performances.

Dancers in all performing levels must maintain a minimum of 50% attendance at any given time during the current season to be eligible for performances. Please note, a dancer who attends only 50% of the time will not be well-prepared for their performance. But any dancer who cannot meet this minimum requirement will not be allowed to participate in the performance.

Beginning with the Sweet Peas level, all enrolled students perform in the end-of-year recital which typically falls on a weekend in mid-April. Poppies (ages 13-16) and Sunflowers (adults) must be enrolled in the "Perform +" segment following their technique class to participate in the recital. To opt-out of recital or other performances, parents must complete the recital "commitment form" by the deadline to avoid owing a performance-drop fee. All families complete the form to indicate yes or no regarding recital participation for their dancers in performing levels.

Dancers are divided across multiple performances on one weekend. Most dancers perform in one performance. Students generally perform one dance per leveled-technique class taken, which can fall either in the same performance or in different performances. Higher level students will usually perform in multiple performance times, though their roles may vary. They may also perform a separate weekend if Doxa is producing an original story ballet that year.

Siblings may end up in the same performance or in different performances. This is based on which classes they are in and is simply “luck of the draw.” We try to arrange the schedule so that siblings in Lower School classes who are taking class on the same day of the week also perform in the same performance. However, we cannot guarantee that siblings will perform at the same time.

We try to provide the specific performance schedule as early as possible, usually by the start of the season. You will be able to find the information at this link: Recital Details for Current Families

Current Families: View Recital Details →

Help from parents is necessary to make recitals successful. As a parent with a dancer in Doxa, your role for recital is to:
1. Provide required attire for your dancer (correct tights, shoes, and undergarment flesh-colored leotard)
2. Attend the mandatory dress rehearsal
3. Pay any tuition balance prior to dress rehearsal (if not already paid)
4. Arrive at call time with your dancer dressed and ready to go (30-45 mins early for recitals; up to 1 hr for larger production years)
5. Help your dancer off-stage during rehearsals as necessary
6. View this performance first and foremost as a worship and witness opportunity
7. Set a godly example for my child and other participants by treating others with respect, humility, and patience
8. Volunteer as able for various tasks. Requests are made several weeks prior to recital.

Specific recital date/time for each class as well as dress rehearsal information is made available as early as possible, usually by August. Please IMMEDIATELY reserve all given dates on your calendar and protect them against conflicts. With the exception of sudden illness, dancers are required to attend their dress rehearsal times and perform in ALL performances designated for their class.

The wholesale cost of your dancer's costume is factored into monthly tuition rates. 

This applies to Sweet Peas, Buttercups, Daisies, Bluebonnets, Lilies, Lilacs, and Irises.

Poppies and Sunflowers costumes are covered in a full season of Perform + tuition as well; if a dancer participates in only part of the season of this class, they may owe a partial costume fee.

Tulips, Violets, and Orchids costumes are often either reused from previous performances or purchased new but retained for reuse. Therefore costume costs have not been factored into tuition calculations for these levels. Costumes may be available for purchase if desired - please ask via email if interested.

Boys must purchase a pair of black dance pants and Doxa purchases a shirt. In most cases, this shirt is new and theirs to keep, but if we are using a shirt from our size/color inventory we will let you know. Boys shirts are one of the few items we can take back as a donation if you do not want to keep it.

Doxa dancers are given the opportunity to perform at other events during the year. This may include community events, mission trips, community outreach, or side projects.

These performances usually include the dancers in the highest levels and those invited to participate may vary depending upon the number of dancers needed. These opportunities are optional and involvement requirements are expressed at the onset of each commitment.